Friday, March 18, 2011

Implementing the virtual method pattern in C#, Part One

I was asked recently how virtual methods work "behind the scenes": how does the CLR know at runtime which derived class method to call when a virtual method is invoked on a variable typed as the base class? Clearly it must have something upon which to make a decision, but how does it do so efficiently? I thought I might explore that question by considering how you might implement the "virtual and instance method pattern" in a language which did not have virtual or instance methods. So, for the rest of this series I am banishing virtual and instance methods from C#. I'm leaving delegates in, but delegates can only be to static methods. Our goal is to take a program written in regular C# and see how it can be transformed into C#-without-instance-methods. Along the way we'll get some insights into how virtual methods really work behind the scenes.

Let's start with some classes with a variety of behaviours:

abstract class Animal
  public abstract string Complain();
  public virtual string MakeNoise()
    return "";
class Giraffe : Animal
  public bool SoreThroat { get; set; }
  public override string Complain()
    return SoreThroat ? "What a pain in the neck!" : "No complaints today.";
class Cat : Animal
  public bool Hungry { get; set; }
  public override string Complain()
    return Hungry ? "GIVE ME THAT TUNA!" : "I HATE YOU ALL!";
  public override string MakeNoise()
class Dog : Animal
  public bool Small { get; set; }
  public override string Complain()
    return "Our regressive state tax code is... SQUIRREL!";
  public string MakeNoise()  // We forgot to say "override"!
    return Small ? "yip" : "WOOF"; 

Anyone who has spent five minutes in the same room as my cat and a can of tuna will recognize her influence on the program above.

OK, so we've got some abstract methods, some virtual base class methods, classes which do and do not override various methods, and one (accidental) instance method. We might have this program fragment:
string s;

Animal animal = new Giraffe();
s = animal.Complain();  // no complaints
s = animal.MakeNoise(); // no noise
animal = new Cat();
s = animal.Complain();  // I hate you
s = animal.MakeNoise(); // meow!
Dog dog = new Dog();
animal = dog;
s = animal.Complain();  // squirrel!
s = animal.MakeNoise(); // no noise
s = dog.MakeNoise();    // yip!

What has to happen here? Two interesting things. First, when Complain or MakeNoise is called on a value of type Animal, the call must be dispatched to the appropriate method based on the runtime type of the receiver. Second, when MakeNoise is called on a dog, somehow we have to do one thing if the value was of compile-time type Dog, and a different thing if the value was of compile-time type Animal but runtime type Dog.
How would we do this in a language without virtual or instance methods? Remember, every method has to be a static method.

Let's look at the non-virtual instance method first. That's straightforward. The callee can be written as:

public static string MakeNoise(Dog _this)  
  return _this.Small ? "yip" : "WOOF"; 

and the caller can be written as:

s = Dog.MakeNoise(dog); // yip!