Friday, March 04, 2011

IKVM.NET 0.46 Release Candidate 0

Finally, after way too long, the first 0.46 release candidate is available.

What's New (relative to IKVM.NET 0.44):

  • Integrated OpenJDK 6 b22.
  • Added -Xreference: option to ikvm.exe and ikvm.runtime.Startup.addBootClassPathAssemby() API.
  • The binaries zip now includes lib/ikvm-api.jar to avoid having to run ikvmstub to get access to the IKVM Java APIs.
  • Ported parts of fdlibm to C# to use for StrictMath methods tan, cbrt, floor, pow, hypot, expm1 and log1p.
  • Add support for serializing .NET exceptions in Java. We don't serialize the actual object, but a placeholder instead, to avoid having to implement full .NET serialization interop.
  • Added IL optimization step to code generator.
  • Added SynchronizationContext for AWT event thread.
  • Many IKVM.Reflection improvements and bug fixes.
  • Many Swing/AWT improvements.
  • Implemented IPv6 support (.NET only) for package APIs.
  • The sun.boot.class.path system property now points to VFS to allow javac to work (although a bit slow, because the boot class files are dynamically generated on demand).
  • Resource and generated stub classes are now projected into the virtual IKVM home directory, to make code that assumes that resources live in jars happy.
  • Improvements to @ikvm.lang.Internal handling.
  • Many minor improvements.
Fixes since previous development snapshot:
  • IKVM.Reflection: Added limited support for #- metadata stream ("uncompressed" table heap). ParamPtr table is not yet implemented.
Read more: IKVM