Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Compressing messages in WCF part two - Expanding the GZipMessageEncoder and fixing another bug

The GZipMessageEncoder is a great sample for learning about MessageEncoders in general. In this post, I will expand the GZipMessageEncoder to do both GZip and Deflate compression. This will accomplish two things: (1) explain various pieces of a MessageEncoder and (2) set a groundwork for future posts.
Since the MessageEncoder will now support both GZip and Deflate, it would be a good idea to change the name. To do this I did a replace in all files from "GZipMessageEncod" to "MyCompressionMessageEncod":


I did the same thing with "GZipEncoder" to "CompressionEncoder" to change the namespace. I also changed the assembly name in the solution explorer and in the project properties. Then I changed the filenames in the project. You can try to repeat all these steps or just download the finished code.
The first thing that is needed is a switch to flip between GZip and Deflate. Since my plan is to enable more than just GZip and Deflate in later posts, this should be an enum.

namespace Microsoft.Samples.CompressionEncoder
    public enum CompressionAlgorithm

In order to enable this switch there are a lot of places that have to change. The first thing I'll change is the binding element. This is what is used by WCF to configure the binding.

//This is the binding element that, when plugged into a custom binding, will enable the GZip encoder
public sealed class MyCompressionMessageEncodingBindingElement 
                    : MessageEncodingBindingElement //BindingElement
                    , IPolicyExportExtension
    //We will use an inner binding element to store information required for the inner encoder
    MessageEncodingBindingElement innerBindingElement;
    CompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm;
    //By default, use the default text encoder as the inner encoder
    public MyCompressionMessageEncodingBindingElement()
        : this(new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(), CompressionAlgorithm.GZip) { }
    public MyCompressionMessageEncodingBindingElement(
        MessageEncodingBindingElement messageEncoderBindingElement, 
        CompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm)
        this.innerBindingElement = messageEncoderBindingElement;
        this.compressionAlgorithm = compressionAlgorithm;
    public MessageEncodingBindingElement InnerMessageEncodingBindingElement
        get { return innerBindingElement; }
        set { innerBindingElement = value; }