Friday, March 04, 2011

Android Developers Union makes Google demands

AN ANDROID Developers Union has been set up to fight Google over allegations of poor Android Market conditions.

Apparently a disgruntled Android developer has compiled a list of demands that he believes will improve the Android Market. The demands include renegotiation of the 32 per cent Google tax on apps sales, public bug tracking, increased payment options, and a removal appeals process.

He says on the Android Developers Union blog, "If our demands are not met, we will move our applications to alternative marketplaces or the web, cease Android development in favor of other more open platforms."

"We will dissuade other developers from developing Android projects, and we will work tirelessly to counter any of Google's hypocritical claims about Openness in the media."
It is difficult to know how seriously to take this Android Developers Union, as it's unknown whether there is actually a group of developers involved rather than just one who is a little crazy and seriously annoyed. The picture the blog uses doesn't help, which is a photoshopped Android logo with a communist red star symbol and a fist of defiance.

Read more: The inquirer