In this guide I'm going to show how to set up a C# project on the Continuous integration server Hudson. I've been using Hudson on .NET projects since september and it works really well. I'm going to use Media Portal as the example project.
The below goals will be solved in this guide:
Initial downloads
The following files are needed besides Java (at least 1.5). Get the latest version of all files and notice that the Hudson file has the extension .war and plugins .hpi. This guide assumes that MSBuild, NUnit and FxCop are already installed and working.
Follow the following steps to configure the tools that Hudson will use in building MediaPortal.
Go to the System configuration at http://localhost:8080/configure.
MSBuild Builder - Set the path to the MSBuild tool to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\msbuild.exe
MediaPortal job configuration
Click the "New job" link at the home page.
Enter the name "MediaPortal", check the "Build a free-style software project" and press OK.

Read more: Redsolo's blog site
The below goals will be solved in this guide:
- Get the source code from the Subversion repository
- Link change logs to the repository browser using ViewVC
- Build the project using MBuild
- Run the tests using NUnit and display the results together with a trend graph
- Publish artifacts from the build (nightly builds)
- Run FxCop on an assembly and display warnings (linked with source code) and a trend graph
- Search the source code for TODO, FIXME comments and display the open tasks with links to the source code
Initial downloads
The following files are needed besides Java (at least 1.5). Get the latest version of all files and notice that the Hudson file has the extension .war and plugins .hpi. This guide assumes that MSBuild, NUnit and FxCop are already installed and working.
Hudson server application (download)
MSBuild plugin (download)
NUnit plugin (download)
Violations plugin (FxCop support among other such as Simian, CPD, PMD and PyLint) (download)
Open Tasks plugin (download)
Installation steps
MSBuild plugin (download)
NUnit plugin (download)
Violations plugin (FxCop support among other such as Simian, CPD, PMD and PyLint) (download)
Open Tasks plugin (download)
Installation steps
I'm going to install Hudson into c:\Program Files\Hudson.
Hudson system configuration
- Copy the hudson.war file to c:\Program Files\Hudson
- Start Hudson through "java -DHUDSON_HOME=data -jar hudson.war". Verify that you can access Hudson through http://localhost:8080
- Copy the plugins to c:\Program Files\Hudson\data\plugins
- Stop Hudson by pressing Ctrl+C in the command prompt where you started Hudson.
- Start Hudson again and you should be set to go.
Hudson system configuration
Follow the following steps to configure the tools that Hudson will use in building MediaPortal.
Go to the System configuration at http://localhost:8080/configure.
MSBuild Builder - Set the path to the MSBuild tool to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\msbuild.exe
MediaPortal job configuration
Click the "New job" link at the home page.
Enter the name "MediaPortal", check the "Build a free-style software project" and press OK.

Read more: Redsolo's blog site