When you visit my website, I can automatically and silently determine if you're logged into Facebook, Twitter, GMail and Digg. There are almost certainly thousands of other sites with this issue too, but I picked a few vulnerable well known ones to get your attention. You may not care that I can tell you're logged into GMail, but would you care if I could tell you're logged into one or more porn or warez sites? Perhaps http://oppressive-regime.example.org/ would like to collect a list of their users who are logged into http://controversial-website.example.com/?
Ignoring the privacy implications for a second, as a website developer, you might like to know if your visitors are logged into GMail; you could use that information to automatically fill the email fields in your forms with "@gmail.com"... Perhaps you might want to make your Facebook "like" buttons more prominent if you can tell your visitor is logged into Facebook at the moment? Here's how I achieve this:
First of all. Lets check if you're logged into GMail right now (not including Google Apps)... (Yes, you are logged in). Now, how did I get that information? Really, really, easily... I generated a hidden image in my HTML similar to this:
<img style="display:none;"
I generated the URL in the "src" attribute by logging into my own GMail account, then going into the general settings and uploading a picture in the "My Picture" section. I then ticked the "Visible to everyone" checkbox, and right clicked the uploaded image to get the image location. Fetching the content at that URL does two different things depending on whether or not you're logged into GMail. If you are logged into GMail, it returns an image. If you're not logged into GMail, it redirects to a HTML page. This is why the img tag in my example above works. "onload" is triggered if an image is returned, but "onerror" is triggered otherwise.
I tested this technique in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and various versions of Internet Explorer and it worked in them all. I reported it to Google and they described it as "expected behaviour" and ignored it.
Read more: Mike Cardwell Online
Ignoring the privacy implications for a second, as a website developer, you might like to know if your visitors are logged into GMail; you could use that information to automatically fill the email fields in your forms with "@gmail.com"... Perhaps you might want to make your Facebook "like" buttons more prominent if you can tell your visitor is logged into Facebook at the moment? Here's how I achieve this:
First of all. Lets check if you're logged into GMail right now (not including Google Apps)... (Yes, you are logged in). Now, how did I get that information? Really, really, easily... I generated a hidden image in my HTML similar to this:
<img style="display:none;"
I generated the URL in the "src" attribute by logging into my own GMail account, then going into the general settings and uploading a picture in the "My Picture" section. I then ticked the "Visible to everyone" checkbox, and right clicked the uploaded image to get the image location. Fetching the content at that URL does two different things depending on whether or not you're logged into GMail. If you are logged into GMail, it returns an image. If you're not logged into GMail, it redirects to a HTML page. This is why the img tag in my example above works. "onload" is triggered if an image is returned, but "onerror" is triggered otherwise.
I tested this technique in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and various versions of Internet Explorer and it worked in them all. I reported it to Google and they described it as "expected behaviour" and ignored it.
Read more: Mike Cardwell Online