Wednesday, December 08, 2010

How to install gitolite on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)

At work we recently switched from subversion to Git for our version control. I wont go into it too much, but the main reasons where:
  • We wanted a distributed system, for the flexibility it offers individuals
  • We wanted the enhanced branch/merge
  • Just for fun really, broaden our horizons
Anyway, I love GitHub, but it’s not the answer to everything! I wanted a central repository that I could control, so having had a brief glimpse at Gitorious and gitosis, I settled on gitolite. Now, I’m usually quite a lazy sys admin, and unless I desperately need a feature in the latest version of an application, I’m usually happy to fall back on the my chosen package manager, in this case Ubuntu’s APT. Gitolite got a package as of version 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, so I told our local Ubuntu mirror to download all the 10.10 packages and after that, upgraded the server I had in mind so that I could use the gitolite package.

Install Gitolite

Nice and easy this part, on the server:
server> sudo apt-get update
server> sudo apt-get install gitolite

Creating a Public/Private key pair

If you already have one, send the public halve over to the server and skip this part.

Read more: DaveDevelopment::Dave Marshall