Most databases are comprised of two distinct ingredients: the back-end, where the data is kept, and the front-end, a user interface for linking with the data component. This scheme separates the user interface from data layer. It also paves the way for third parties to create applications to interact with the databases.
In this article, I am including some most used Mysql GUI tools.
2.Sequel Pro
In this article, I am including some most used Mysql GUI tools.
This is a free tool developed by Sun Systems/Oracle. Workbench is very useful for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms. MySQL Workbench is a visual database design tool that incorporates SQL development, administration, database design, creation and maintenance into a development environment. It is the successor to DBDesigner 4 from and it replaces the MySQL GUI Tools Bundle. The current version is 5.2, the earliest version was 5.0.
2.Sequel Pro
It is a product of The Sequel Pro Project. It supports Mac OS platform. Sequel Pro is a open-source application. It is the successor of popular CocoaMySQL Mac database management application.
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