Sunday, November 07, 2010

Debugging walkthrough: Diagnosing a __purecall failure

Prerequisite: Understanding what __purecall means.

I was asked to help diagnose an issue in which a program managed to stumble into the __purecall function.

00a14509 a100000000      mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[00000000h] ds:0023:00000000=????????
The stack at the point of failure looked like this:

The line at XYZ!CViewFrame::SetFrame that called the mystic __purecall was a simple AddRef:

 pSomething->AddRef(); // crashes in __purecall

From what we know of __purecall, this means that somebody called into a virtual method on a derived class after the derived class's destructor has run. Okay, well, let's see if we can find the object in question. Since the method being called is a COM method, the __stdcall calling convention applies, which means that the this pointer is on the stack.

0:023> dd esp+4 l1
0529f76c  06a88d58

Using our knowledge of the layout of a COM object, we can navigate through memory to find the vtable.

Read more: The old new thing

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