Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Objective C Tutorial – An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to iPhone Development

   So you’ve got a Mac, you’ve got an iPhone, and you really want to start writing some apps. There’s tons of documentation available, but the best way to learn a new language and framework is to simply dive right in. All of the documentation and tutorials I ran across when learning to program the iPhone depended a little too much on Interface Builder, which basically sticks a layer of magic between me and what I want to do. Frankly, I like to begin at the bottom and work my way up, which is why this tutorial is going to show you how to create a basic ‘Hello World’ application programmatically – without the help of a visual designer.
   When I pick up any new framework that includes a designer, I like to start out building interfaces in code, because then I get an understanding of what the designer is doing behind the scenes. And honestly, I find Interface Builder about one of the most confusing designers I’ve ever used.
   The first thing you’re going to need to do is download and install the iPhone SDK. This is going to give you everything you need in order to build apps – XCode, iPhone Simulator, and Interface Builder. Downloading and installing the SDK is totally free. You’ll have to pay $99 if you want to run the app on a real iPhone or distribute it to the app store. For the purposes of learning, though, the simulator works just fine.
   After you’ve got all that stuff installed, you’re ready to start. Start by launching XCode. By default it’s installed in the Developer folder.

Read more: Learning by examples