Monday, September 06, 2010

ConfORM – Another NHibernate mapping possibility

I recently hold two presentations at the .Net User Group Bern (DNUG) with René Leupold about object relational mapping in the .Net world. We showed Entity Framework 4.0 and NHibernate. My part was NHibernate. You could download the slides and samples from the DNUG website.
In the two presentations I showed the mapping possibilities with hbm.xml files, attributes and Fluent NHibernate. In a previous blog post I already showed those possibilities.
During the preparations I hadn’t time to try a new way to map your entities to the database. This new way is offered by the framework ConfORM, created by one of the contributors of NHibernate Fabio Maulo.
In a previous post I showed the other possibilities how you can map your entities. In this post I show you the most simplest way I found to map the entities with ConfORM. I used for this example the version 1.0.2 (Alpha 2) of ConfORM and the version 3.0.0 Alpha 2 of NHibernate. The current version of ConfORM is available here.
The domain for this sample is quite simple. It is a one to many mapping between Order and its OrderItems. The associations is bidirectional. Below you see the class diagram of the two classes:
Read more: assumption of advancement
Read more: ConfORM