Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to compile OpenJDK on Ubuntu

OpenJDK Overview
OpenJDK is the open source implementation of Java. OpenJDK is under version control by a distributed version control system called Mercurial . This guide will describe how to install Mercurial, download the source code of OpenJDK and how to compile OpenJDK.

Install Mercurial and Extensions
You first need to make sure Mercurial is installed on your system.

sudo apt-get install mercurial

In addition to standard Mercurial you also need the Forest Extension. These are currently not packages for Ubuntu, see Bug report

You can get the forest extension via the following command. This will create the directory hgforest with the file "".

# close the forest extensions
# if the url below does not work you find alternative url via
hg clone

Edit the file "~/.hgrc" (i.e. the mercurial configuration file) to include the lines.


After this change you should be able to use commands such as 'fclone' and 'fpull' is you type in "hg" in the command line.

Read more: Lars Vogel

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