I have been hacking Mono lately and one of the coolest projects I have seen is the Mono Decompiler. It’s like Reflector but no UI and an API to decompile. Guess what, even reflector is built on top of Mono Cecil. Most of times when I have to debug I would end up using !dumpil sos command to get the IL of the method desc. I am not an IL guru, I am much comfortable reading C# than IL. I could have used reflector to do the same thing, but here are couple of reasons for doing this. I don’t have to open another application and I am comfortable with cdb.exe
I like to understand this library , which I could use in the future.
Here is a simple app that would return C# code. I could have written a windbg extension, but I am lazy using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Cecil.Decompiler.Languages;namespace Conosole
I like to understand this library , which I could use in the future.
Here is a simple app that would return C# code. I could have written a windbg extension, but I am lazy using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Cecil.Decompiler.Languages;namespace Conosole
class Decompiler
static void Main(string[] args){
var function = args[1].Split(new[] { '.' });//MethodNamevar methodName = function.Last();
//Typenamevar typeName = function.ElementAt(function.Length - 2);
//Namespacevar ns = function.TakeWhile((c, i) => i < function.Length - 2).Aggregate(new StringBuilder(),(sb,s) => sb.Append(s+".")).ToString().Trim(new [] {'.'}) ;
Console.WriteLine((from module in AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly(args[0]).Modules.Cast<ModuleDefinition>()
from type in module.Types.Cast<TypeDefinition>()from method in type.Methods.Cast<MethodDefinition>()where type.Namespace == ns && type.Name == typeName && method.Name == methodNameselect method.SourceCode()).First());
public static class Extensions}Read more: Naveen's Blog
{public static string SourceCode(this MethodDefinition methodName){var writer = new StringWriter();CSharp.GetLanguage(CSharpVersion.V3).GetWriter(new PlainTextFormatter(writer)).Write(methodName);return writer.ToString();}}