The dll that works with my Downloader is open an opensource download made available through there is documentation available on the site. I use an http downloader to access the http download link supplied by the dll. I can not remember where this download came from but I believe it was here on codeproject. If you believe it is your project please let me know so I can give proper Acknowledements. Upcoming AdditionsI will be working on the program in vb and will post it as soon as it is completed. Have been having a slight problem with one of the codes, since it is near completion except one code issue I may submit it to get a better understanding of the issue. I do know that it is a runtime error according to msdn. Using The CodeNow to the coderight after the form initallization we will ad two lines of code. These two lines will do two things (1) private byte[] download data; prepares the downloader to download our video and the private Video_downloader_DLL.VideoDownloader = new Video_Downloader.DLL.VideoDownloader(); Read more: Codeproject