Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Connect Microsoft Excel To SQL Azure Database

A number of people have found my post about getting started with SQL Azure pretty useful. But, it's all worthless if it doesn't add up to user value. Database are like potential energy in physics-it's a promise that something could  be put in motion. Users actually making decisions based on analysis is analogous to kinetic energy in physics. It's the fulfillment of the promise of potential energy.

So what does this have to with Office 2010? In Excel 2010 we made it truly easy to connect to a SQL Azure database and pull down data. Here I explain how to do it.

By following these steps you will be able to:

1. Create an Excel data connection to a SQL Azure database

2. Select the data to import into Excel

3. Perform the data import

All mistakes herein, if any, are my own. Please alert me to potential errors.
Import SQL Azure Data Into Excel

You need to be running Excel 2010 (post-Beta 2 builds) for these steps to work properly.

Read more: John R. Durant's WebLog

Posted via email from jasper22's posterous