Sunday, March 07, 2010

Within a year, 90% of Microsoft employees will be working on cloud-related projects

I hinted that, with Office 2010, Microsoft would be moving the focus of its development towards the cloud, but I had no idea they were quite so involved! As of today, around 75% of its employees are working on cloud-related projects. "A year from now that will be 90 percent," says CEO Steve Ballmer. According to its Wiki page Microsoft currently has 93,000 employees... yikes.

That's a lot of man hours going into cloud computing, and Microsoft must surely be dwarfing any and all of its competitors' efforts. Perhaps that's why Ballmer went on to say they are "betting our company" on the cloud -- though with almost $80 billion in assets, I dare say they can afford a mistake or two during their initial foray into the cloud.

Read more: DownloadSquad

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