Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Yahoo YUI Compressor vs. Microsoft AJAX Minifier vs. Google Closure Compiler

A little more than a year and half ago I created a MSBuild Task for the YUI Compressor that was very well received, and even highlighted on the YUI Compressor site.  At the time of writing that article YUI Compressor was king of the hill, and for the most part the only game in town that was really designed for production level use.  Since then a number of new competitors have been released by Google and Microsoft, and I wanted to see how they stacked up against the YUI Compressor.


For these tests I wanted to test a pretty complex set of JavaScript to really stretch the limits of each of the optimizers. So I choose jQuery 1.4 as the subject for the tests.  I choose jQuery for many reasons, but the biggest is because it is very well known set of code for most developers, and it would be very easy for anybody to test in their applications.

The setup of my machine is as follows:

  • Windows 7 Pro (x64)
  • Java 6 Update 17
  • .NET 3.5 SP1

Each optimizer and the version:

Read more:  Nick Berardi's Coder Journal

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