Like many web savvy folk, I've known about Lua for a long time, I'm sure you've heard of it as well.But is it just me, or does it seem like Lua never generates any buzz in the media? In the major tech news aggregators (at least the ones that I typically check) its always Javascript this, or Ruby that, or Python everything. Yet when you look at what Lua's actually done and been used for in the industry it certainly seems disproportionate to the eerie silence it seems to experience in the blogosphere. Just for example I'm going to drop a few names now of commercial products which use Lua: Eyeon Digital Fusion, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Sim City 4, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Escape from Monkey Island, Psychonauts, and this is just a handful, if you want to see a couple of exhaustive lists then I'm sure Google and Wikipedia can help you. Anyway I'm not trying to raise a stink, I just think its an interesting question to ask because Lua is a real world language being used by serious mainstream projects yet you hardly hear a blip about it, and I have no idea why. I can think of only one thing which has happened in the Lua world fairly recently which was caught and discussed on the web and that was Google giving a Lua developer an $8k donation to work on the amd64 port of the Lua-jit. Read more: One billion extensible bits