Monday, February 08, 2010

LLVM's Clang Compiler Achieves Self-Hosting

Self-sufficiency is a major milestone for any compiler technology.  The LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) developers were pleased to announce  that their open source compiler, named Clang, has just reached this milestone.  Clang recently completed its first complete self-host by building all of the LLVM and itself.

In the testing process, Clang was able to compile over 550,000 lines of C++ code, which is the total amount of lines in LLVM and Clang.  The resulting binaries passed all of the regression test suites for Clang and LLVM.  The self-built Clang was then able to build the 550k lines LLVM and Clang code again.  The third Clang build was also fully-functional, which made the bootstrap complete.

Read more: DZone

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