Thursday, February 04, 2010

Introducing WCF WebHttp Services in .NET 4

Over the next six weeks we are going to be releasing a series of blog posts that will focus on the new features in .NET 4 around WCF WebHttp Services.

WCF WebHttp Services is the flavor of WCF that is most appropriate for developers who need complete control over the URI, format, and protocol when building non-SOAP HTTP services—services that may or may not subscribe to RESTful architectural constraints.  For the other technologies in the WCF services eco-system and the developer scenarios they best support, see here.

For those of you who have used WCF 3.5 or the WCF REST Starter Kit to build non-SOAP services, you’ll find that WCF WebHttp Services is the vehicle that brings these technologies forward to .NET 4.  You’ll find the familiar programming model that uses [WebGet] and [WebInvoke] attributes to map an HTTP request to a WCF operation.  But you’ll also find a number of new features in WCF WebHttp Services that make it even easier to build operation-centric or RESTful web services over HTTP.

Read more: The .NET Endpoint

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