Thursday, February 04, 2010

Android, Part I: Welcome To Android

Welcome to Android. We hope you enjoy your stay.

So, first off, a bit of an introduction. This is the first part of (hopefully) many tutorials related to the android platform. In this tutorial, we're only going to cover the very basics: how to design your application, and how to utilise the XML layouts to design your user interface.

Since this series of tutorials is more directed at the code, I'm not going to cover setup & installation. Instead, here's a link to get yourself set up with the SDK and an emulator.

Personally, I've never really been a huge fan of Java. And when I first tried Android, I wasn't too keen. But it's come a long way since it was first released. Once you get into the android SDK, it begins to get really interesting. Plus, the idea of earning a little bit of cash on the side for designing a little app for your phone has quite a nice appeal. :)

The market
The market is awesome. It's extremely easy to release and update your applications, and I'll be writing a tutorial all about publishing your apps, how to sign them, how to create a jar keystore, all the fun stuff.

Get started already!!1!one!
Okay. Enough intro, let's get to some development! :)

...sorry. No programming yet. We're going to be reading the project template, and I'll be explaining it line for line. It's best to take this stuff slow at first, because it's so different to a lot of "regular" projects. But at least there's code!

Read more: </dream-in-code>

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