Monday, January 30, 2012

Take MVVM to the Next Level with Xomega Framework


The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) is a design pattern that is a variation of the Presentation Model pattern, which was first described by Martin Fowler. Since Microsoft introduced it with the first release of WPF, MVVM has become increasingly popular among WPF and Silverlight developers and many MVVM frameworks are now available.

As with the predecessor design patterns MVC (model–view–controller) and MVP (model–view–presenter), one of the key principles of the MVVM pattern is Separation of Concerns (SoC), which allows cleanly separating the data, presentation and behavior aspects of the application.

In this article we will show you how Xomega Framework takes the basic principles of MVVM to the next level, which allows you to rapidly build .Net applications with high degree of flexibility and reusability and a minimum learning curve. Read on to see how you can quickly and easily develop applications with Xomega Framework.
About Xomega Framework

Xomega Framework is a powerful open source framework that has been built from more than 10 years of experience and is based on the approach that has been proven in many large scale applications. The primary goals of the framework are to:

    Enable rapid application development.
    Promote reusability, which can significantly reduce maintenance costs.
    Ensure consistency to deliver the best user experience.

To demonstrate one of the problems that Xomega Framework is designed to solve efficiently, let’s consider the following example. Suppose that your application has a common field Customer that appears on pretty much every other screen of your application. The requirements for this field are as follows.

    If the customer is not editable on the screen, then it should be displayed as [Customer Number] – [Customer Name], where the customer number is an integer key for the customer, which should be formatted as a six-character string padded with leading zeros, e.g. 001234 – Joe Doe.
    In the screens where the customer is editable, it should be selected from a drop down list, where each item is displayed as Customer Number – Customer Name as in the previous requirement. If multiple customers need to be selected, such as for search criteria, then a list box will be used instead.
    In some screens, where the power users know the customer numbers by heart and need to be able to quickly enter the customer, a text box will be used that accepts the integer customer number without leading zeros. If multiple customers need to be specified, a comma-separated list of customer numbers will be accepted in the text box.
    The customer field should be visible only if the user has a View Customer privilege.
    The customer field should be editable only if the user has an Edit Customer privilege.

Read more: Codeproject
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