Sunday, July 24, 2011

Understand MVVM Using PRISM by Hello World Silverlight Application


In this article I will try to use couple of different pieces of functionality which PRISM offers us to implement MVVM. I am trying my best to start it from scratch for newbie. I prefer if you are really interested please try to develop your sample MVVM Silverlight application while reading the article side by side in order to understand it in detail.

I strongly suggest if you don’t have basic understanding of UI pattern please go through this article once. It will help you to understand basic concept of MVVM Basics_UIDesignPattern.aspx and other patterns.

In this post I am developing a clean MVVM pattern architecture for "Hello world" Silverlight application. We will be using the Microsoft Unity and Prism libraries for modularity and dependency injection. I am not exploring all feature which PRISM offer us but explaining basics which every should know before developing Silverlight application using PRISM.
Prism is more than MVVM

PRISM can be interesting to you because it's more than an implementing MVVM framework. Although, a part of it can be considered in fact an MVVM framework (the NotificationObject, the EventAggregator and the Command objects are all examples of that), however it offers much more. It allows you to create Composite Application of multiple loosely couples "Modules". It has a very flexible and extensible navigation framework (Region Navigation), offers integration with IoC containers (notably Unity and MEF) and a ton of other features. EventAggregator can be used to communicate among different module.


Read more: Codeproject

Posted via email from Jasper-Net