Today's post is a reminder about all the available C++ Kinect for Windows SDK samples and examples...
Kinect for Windows C++ Samples
Kinect for Windows enables developers like you to create applications that allow users to interact naturally with the computer by gesturing and speaking. You probably already know this. But did you know there are plenty of samples written in C++ using Direct 3D and Direct 2D and other DirectX stuff?
- AudioBasics-D2D C++ Sample captures audio data and displays the direction of the audio source on screen.
- Background Removal Basics-D2D C++ Sample demonstrates how to use theKinectBackgroundRemoval API to separate people in the foreground from the background. This effect is similar to using a green screen technique to separate people from a green screen background.
- Coordinate Mapping Basics-D2D C++ Sample shows how to use theColorImageStream to separate people in the foreground from the background. This effect is similar to using a green screen technique to separate people from a green screen background.
- Depth with Color-D3D C++ Sample demonstrates a 3D visualization (point cloud) using the ColorImageStream and DepthImageStream in a Direct3D sample.
- Face Tracking Visualization C++ Sample uses the Face Tracking SDK to track and visualize a single face or multiple faces.
- Skeletal Viewer C++ Sample Demonstrates Kinect NUI processing such as capturing depth stream, color video stream and skeletal tracking frames and displaying them on the screen.
Read more: Channel9