Using converter is daily, in as general we doing that like this:
1. Define a c# ValueConverter
2. Set Xaml namespace like this :
3. set local resources with key like this:
<converters:BoolToVisibilityConverter x:Key="boolToVisibilityConverter" />
4. just using the key inside your document where is needed:
< MediaElement Visibility="{Binding Path=X.Visibility, Converter={StaticResource boolToVisibilityCollapsedConverter}}" />
But, inside Resource dictionary file when you need some Converter you cannot use local resource as Static Resources, so what you need is either Global static Converters allocate in your App.Xaml , or simply using the next xaml syntax:
1. add Xaml namespace like this :
2. and use Binding Converter syntax ..
<Setter Property="FontWeight">
<Binding Path="(XValue)">
<localConverters:BoolToBoldConverter />
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