C# How to: Stained Glass Image Filter
![Inline image 1](http://files.channel9.msdn.com/wlwimages/ae054c0b4d7b402ab1239e6800c0220f/image%5B2%5D-147.png)
The Stained Glass Image Filter detailed in this article operates on the basis of implementing modifications upon a specified sample/input image, producing resulting images which resemble the appearance of stained glass artwork.
A common variant of stained glass artwork comes in the form of several individual pieces of coloured glass being combined in order to create an image. The sample source code employs a similar method of combining what appears to be non-uniform puzzle pieces. The following list provides a broad overview of the steps involved in applying a Stained Glass Image Filter:
- Render a Voronoi Diagram – Through rendering a Voronoi Diagram the resulting image will be divided into a number of regions. Each region being intended to represent an individual glass puzzle piece. The following section of this article provides a detailed discussion on rendering Voronoi Diagrams.
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- C# How to: Stained Glass Image Filter
Read more: Channel9
QR: ![Inline image 2](http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=80x80&cht=qr&choe=UTF-8&chl=http://channel9.msdn.com/coding4fun/blog/Becoming-an-Image-Ninja-with-help-from-Dewald-Esterhuizen)