![Inline image 2](http://cloud.addictivetips.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/QuickPad-PastBin.png)
![Inline image 3](http://cloud.addictivetips.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/QuickPad_Google.png)
We've covered quite a few Notepad alternatives for Windows that offer exceptional features and something unique over the Windows' default app, in addition to an improved user interface and ease of use. For instance, Notepad2 Mod is an excellent Notepad-inspired program that comes packaged with many advanced features out of the box like code folding, word auto completion, ability to insert code snippets and so on. Similarly, Glass Notepad takes a transparent, Aero glass-like approach to Notepad. QuickPad is yet another such application that offers some really noteworthy improvements over Notepad like integrated Google search for highlighted text, ability to run VB Script, exporting documents as encrypted QPF files, customizable UI and multi-language support.
The interface and overall design of QuickPad shows some resemblance to Notepad; it's simple, clean and minimal. You can type any text and write code in the provided text area. Strictly talking about the interface, QuickPad has some handy additions like quick navigation controls for saving and opening files, creating new files, printing, cut, copy & paste operations etc.
Read more: Addictive tips
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