Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Latest Dart VM Beats JVM in DeltaBlue Benchmark

Shortly after Dart2js outperformed hand-written JavaScript, the latest Dart VM now beats JVM 7 64-bit Server, and other versions, in the DeltaBlue benchmark.Nikolay Botev has ported the DeltaBlue benchmark from Dart to Java and run the benchmark against Dart-22416 (latest stable release) and Dart-22577 (a nightly build), and against several Java client versions, posting the following results on his blog:

Inline image 1

The fist column contains the time in us needed to run one iteration of the test while the second column represents the number of runs/sec, being the DeltaBlue score charted above.We have also run the same tests on a 8-core AMD FX-8350 machine with SSD, but this time against JVM 7 64-bit Server, getting the following average results after 10 runs of each test:

Read more: InfoQ
QR: Inline image 2