Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Microsoft "Data Hub," a private, self-service DataMarket for your internal data and users, but in the cloud...

Create a Private Self-Service DataMarket for Your Organization’s Data with Microsoft Codename “Data Hub”

IT departments of medium and large enterprises amass large amounts of data about the operations of their organizations, as well as detailed information on customers, suppliers, and other business partners. Historically, this information has been accumulated and analyzed for specific purposes and then archived or discarded. In this era of increasing “big data” consciousness, C-level executives expect analysis of internally generated data to deliver added business value, especially competitive advantage. A major problem is that information workers spend too much time searching for data and not enough time analyzing it for actionable insights with tools they’re accustomed to using—usually Excel.

To overcome these data distribution, discovery, and curation problems, Microsoft’s SQL Azure Labs team leveraged the public DataMarket investment to create Codename “Data Hub” as an early concept of a value-added service that enables IT organizations to provision and manage their own private DataMarket. Like the public DataMarket, Microsoft hosts the Data Hub preview on Windows Azure with SQL Azure tables as the data source at Data Hub is a private preview, so you must request an invitation by completing a form on the Codename “Data Hub” Welcome page, wait for an e-mail with a token and instructions for its redemption. The first step is to specify the Firewall Rules for the IP range of your Data Hub’s users (see Figure 2.)

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