Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to Communicate between Silverlight Client and Java Application

Inline image 2


The example bellow implements a simple request-response communication between Silverlight application and Java desktop application.
The Silverlight client application sends a request to calculate two numbers. The Java service application receives the request, performs the calculation and sends back the result.

The example bellow uses Eneter Messaging Framework that provides functionality for various communication scenarios. (The framework is free for non-commercial use and can be downloaded from http://www.eneter.net. More detailed technical info can be found at technical info.)

Policy Server
The Policy Server is a special service listening on the port 943. The service receives <policy-file-request> and responses the policy file that says who is allowed to communicate.

Silverlight automatically uses this service when creates the Tcp connection. It sends the request on the port 943 and expects the policy file. If the policy server is not there or the content of the policy file does not allow the communication, the Tcp connection is not created.

Read more: Codeproject
QR: Inline image 1

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