Tuesday, October 04, 2011

8 Best Android Tools For Developers


     Its our pleasure to share great resources and tools on our blog. A few days ago, we covered some highly useful stuff for our readers as Google lab tools, websites for online shopping, software to download Youtube videos, photo editing software and many more. We thankful our readers to appreciate these article and share their valuable comments. This time we come up with best Android tools for developers. Android is second most popular operating system using Smartphones and tablets.

This list has 8 best android tools that helps developers in many different ways, tools are- SDK and AVD manager, android ADT, android DDMS, etc. Every tool presents its unique and different quality to make it very useful for developers.

1) The SDK and AVD Manager

Adding and updating components in your Android SDK is fast and easy. To add or update the individual SDK components that you need, use the Android SDK and AVD Manager (included in the SDK Tools).

Read more: ZoomZum
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Posted via email from Jasper-Net