Friday, March 04, 2011

Improve Website Speed With mod_pagespeed

Few months earlier, Google announced about their new developed Apache module, mod_pagespeed on their googlewebmaster's blog post. This is a apache module, which can be installed just like other apache modules and its command directives can be used on .htaccess file(If you don't know anything about using htaccess command directives, you are gladly invited to my another tutorial about apche htaccess tutorial for beginners).

Although Google mention that they are working with Godaddy to provide its support, Godaddy didn't instantly start supporting this on their hosting plans. After a few months of testing, Godaddy currently providing supports of this module for being used by its customers on linux shared hosting plans. As my hosting is also on Godaddy, i have come to experience it and found pretty much impressing. So, i decided to share some basic overview and quick start instructions about it. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can start using it very easily and can improve/optimize your website's performance.

Which Servers Supports mod_pagespeed?

As far I know, currently, Godaddy and Dreamhost have support for mod_pagespeed on their shared hosting environment. If you are using some other hosting, please check with them whether they supports or planning to supports in near future. Otherwise, if you using dedicated server, you can install mod_pagespeed yourself easily.

Basic htaccess structure for using mod_pagespeed:

To use mod_pagespeed on your server, first a .htaccess file is required on the hosting root directory. on the .htaccess file, use the following code snippet anywhere in the file(top/bottom, doesn't matter, just shouldn't be inside another module's code block):

<IfModule pagespeed_module>
  ModPagespeed on
  # using commands,fileters etc

mod_pagespeed filters references:

Although there is a rich set of filters provided by mod_pagespeed module, my hosting provider, godaddy, doesn't support all. So, i didn't try all yet. But hope the following ones will be mostly help you to get a already a better result and help you get very good idea to use them and you can use others also without much hassle.

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