Friday, March 04, 2011

Getting Started with Spring.NET

I have been a big fan of the Spring Framework for quite some time. As a matter of fact, I count on the many benefits and features of Spring for most of my Java projects. I have found Spring to be a gateway to productivity and better practice development for a number of solutions in the enterprise.

Recently, I have been investigating the .NET platform and C#. We have a mixed Java/C# environment at work and I would like to be a more flexible resource in order to help out on more projects. As I started looking into C#, I thought it was only appropriate to look into the Spring.NET project. It is quite similar to its Java counterpart and here is how I got things started with a very simple C# project:

First, I downloaded Visual C# 2010 Express. It is not quite as fancy as the variety of Visual Studio 2010 offerings, but it is a great IDE to get started with learning C#. Next, I downloaded the latest Spring.NET release, which happens to be version 1.3.1. In Visual C# 2010 Express, I then created a new blank project, ‘SpringNET1′. Next, I added the Spring.Core.dll and Common.Logging.dll as references in my new project.

I created a new Class, MyApp.cs. This is the entry point of my application. I will go over the details of the Main(string[] args) function shortly, but basically it grabs the application context, gets an instance of the MyService class, calls MyService’s GetName() function and writes the output to the console.

Read more: TheJavaJar