Thursday, March 17, 2011

7 Ways to Protect your .NET Code from Reverse-Engineering

If you are making your software available internationally, and your software is written in .NET (which is particularly easy to decompile), then you ought to consider protecting your code. You can protect your code in various ways, including obfuscation, pruning, resource encryption, and string encoding. In this article, we will show you 7 different ways to protect your Intellectual Property against reverse-engineering, theft, and modification, by using just one tool: SmartAssembly.


Obfuscation is a classic code protection technique used to make your code hard to read. Obfuscation changes the name of your classes and methods to unreadable or meaningless characters, making it more difficult for others to understand your code.

SmartAssembly offers a choice between type/method name mangling and field name mangling.
Obfuscating type and method names

Read more: Codeproject