To do an online credit card transaction in ASP.NET using PayPal Payflow Pro, you’ll need to set up a Payflow Pro online payment gateway account at, download and install .NET SKD for Payflow Pro, and create an ASP.NET application that sends a transaction request to and receives a transaction response from Payflow Pro.
Payflow Pro Online Payment Gateway Account
At the time of writing this article, the account creation link is: PayPal documentation indicates that a testing account can be created, which can then be activated as a production account if needed. Upon the completion of an account setup, you’ll have four user parameters as login credentials to access the account, as shown in the table below.
Read more: Codeproject
To do an online credit card transaction in ASP.NET using PayPal Payflow Pro, you’ll need to set up a Payflow Pro online payment gateway account at, download and install .NET SKD for Payflow Pro, and create an ASP.NET application that sends a transaction request to and receives a transaction response from Payflow Pro.
Payflow Pro Online Payment Gateway Account
At the time of writing this article, the account creation link is: PayPal documentation indicates that a testing account can be created, which can then be activated as a production account if needed. Upon the completion of an account setup, you’ll have four user parameters as login credentials to access the account, as shown in the table below.
Read more: Codeproject