This is a collection of frequently asked questions (and answers) about the Entity Framework (a .Net-based Object-Relational Mapping framework from Microsoft).
You can always find the latest version of the FAQ at These questions and answers were culled from a number of existing blog and forum posts. No doubt there is a lot more data that belongs here which is where you come in. Contributions are very welcome! Please go to the EF-FAQ codeplex project for more information on how you can help us keep this a relevant, valuable resource.
Read more: Entity Framework FAQ
You can always find the latest version of the FAQ at These questions and answers were culled from a number of existing blog and forum posts. No doubt there is a lot more data that belongs here which is where you come in. Contributions are very welcome! Please go to the EF-FAQ codeplex project for more information on how you can help us keep this a relevant, valuable resource.
Read more: Entity Framework FAQ