Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Model View Controller for Android

This weekend, Gaurav released his initial implementation of the MVC pattern for Android at http://blogs.mastergaurav.com/2010/08/14/model-view-controller-mvc-for-android/. This opens up several possibilities for anybody looking to create an application on Android.
  • The implementation, even though is an initial early push, has a robust infrastructure. Here's an initial analysis and outline of the implementation:
  • The implementation, quite similar in nature to Struts (and he's inspired by Struts for the same), has a front controller and implements Command Pattern.
  • Controller is implemented as Application specialization that does all housekeeping.
  • Command is modeled using ICommand interface. Noting that a large part of the commands will be network, database, file-system or related operations that may take a long time to complete, it provides response using callback listener for asynchronous implementation
  • All commands are managed using CommandQueueManager which internally is managed using a simplified ThreadPool of CommandThread instances.
  • The public interface of interacting with this complex infrastructure is CommandExecutor, internally made use of by the Controller.
  • Modeling request, response and listeners are available in the package com.mastergaurav.android.mvc.common.
  • To keep developer use extensible, input-commands and output-activities, they are purely numeric in nature.

Read more: Eduzine