Thursday, July 29, 2010

Microsoft XAML Toolkit CTP - July 2010

The XAML Toolkit bits are available here.  (actually soon to be posted  -- Brian)


Features of the XAML Toolkit

XamlDom – A XAML DOM that is LINQ friendly.  Enables easy static analysis.
XAML FxCop integration – You can run FxCop rules that analyze your XAML against rules.
XAML FxCop rule authoring - A BaseXamlRule implementation that allows you to write custom FxCop rules that target XAML.  We’re also shipping a couple of simple ones including a ValidationRule that will validate your XAML.
SilverlightSchemaContext – A XamlSchemaContext that allows System.Xaml to parse Silverlight XAML for tools use.
What’s New in the XAML Toolkit CTP – July 2010

The UISchemaContext has been removed.
The SilverlightSchemaContext now supports Silverlight Version 3.0, 4.0 and Phone 7.
A SilverlightAssemblyHelper static class has been added to help with loading the correct Silverlight schema version.

Read more: The official blog of the Windows Presentation Foundation Team

Posted via email from .NET Info