Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 Released – Channel 9 Video and Hanselminutes Podcast 224, Oh My!

Phil and friends released ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 today. I snuck into the office of Phil Haack and Morgan the Canadian Intern to talk about the release of ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 and some of the cool "futures" stuff that Morgan (and our fleet of interns) is working on. This video isn't only about MVC as Morgan's working on some cool CSS Sprites stuff that works nicely in WebForms that you should check out as well.

Also, my two-hundred-and-twenty-fourth podcast is up and I talk more in depth with, yes, you guessed, it, Phil Haack. More detail in a less shaky-camera format.

What's new in ASP.NET MVC 3?

Note that installing ASP.NET MVC 3 won't mess up your ASP.NET MVC 2 applications.

Razor Syntax View Engine - Cleaner view syntax
Dynamic View and ViewModel properties - passing data between controllers and views using dynamic rather than a dictionary
"Add View" Dialog Box Supports Multiple View Engines - You two can be in this box.
Service Location and Dependency Injection Support - Get your DI hooked into controller factories, dependency injection, action filters and View Pages.
Global Filters - put filters on the all control methods
New JsonValueProviderFactory Class - Model bind directly to JSON-encoded data
Support for .NET Framework 4 Validation Attributes and IValidatableObject - Easier validation including validating one property based on another.
New IClientValidatable Interface - Discovering at runtime if the client supports validation.
Support for .NET Framework 4 Metadata Attributes - Support .NET 4 specific attributes like DisplayAttribute
New IMetadataAware Interface - Write your own attributes to contribute to the ModelMetadata creation process.
New Action Result Types - HttpNotFoundResult, HttpStatusCodeResult.
Permanent Redirect - More easily return 301s for Actions, Routes or any URL.

Read more: Scott Hanselman

Posted via email from .NET Info