Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Configuring Eclipse PDT to work with Subversion source control


This is the fifth article of a series of blog post called the WIMPinator Chronicles that describe how to setup a PHP development environment for Windows 7 and IIS 7.5.

So far we covered how to install a Wordpress blog and all its dependencies using the WPI (Web Platform Installer). Then we added additional features and extensions to the PHP deployment on Windows for IIS. I explained how to get PEAR setup and how to download and deploy the PHPUnit unit testing framework using PEAR. Finally I installed Eclipse PDT that I is my preferred IDE for PHP.

In this part I am going to hook up Eclipse to my subversion source control service.
The Series

  1. Getting a Wordpress blog installed in a jiffy on Windows 7 using the Web Platform Installer
  2. Adding additional features to PHP
  3. Installing PEAR and PHPUnit
  4. Installing Eclipse PDT
  5. Configuring Eclipse PDT to work with Subversion source control
  6. Configuring Eclipse to work with Ant build tasks
  7. Creating a new IIS 7.5 fast CGI web site
  8. Setting up XDebug with Eclipse and IIS 7.5
  9. Setting up the Zend Debugger with Eclipse and IIS 7.5
 10. Configuring Ruby and Watir
 11. Moving a Wordpress blog from GoDaddy shared hosting to my local debugging system.

Integrating Eclipse with Subversion
General comments

There are basically two general approaches to use Subversion with Eclipse. First you can just use shell commands like the SVN command line client or, on Windows, TortoiseSVN. And second you can use Subclipse, which is an Eclipse plug-in that gives you Subversion access from within the Eclipse IDE.

This article explains how to install, configure and use Subclipse within Eclipse on Windows 7.
Subclipse links

Subclipse Subversion IDE access can be downloaded manually from here, but, hold on, Eclipse provides a much easier way installing it via a wizard that just needs a URL.

   * Subclipse installation instructions: http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=p4wYuA
   * Subclipse project page: http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=2240
   * Download link: site-1.6.6.zip

Installing the Subclipse Eclipse plug-in

This article is specific to Windows 7, Eclipse Galileo and Subversion 1.6.

Note: More general instructions that refer to different versions of Subversion use the following link: http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=p4wYuA

Read more: Tellingmachine

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