Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Use TortoiseHg (Mercurial) with SVN repository

It is trivial to use Mercurial client (TortoiseHg) to access Subversion repositories. Once you have the latest TortoiseHg, the process works easily. First you need to grab the hgsubversion extension:

mkdir C:\repos
hg clone C:\repos\hgsubversion

Info about the hgsubversion extension. Then, you enable the extension:

Right-click context menu - TortoiseHg - Global Settings - Edit File - add the lines below to your Mercurial.ini file:

hgsubversion = C:\repos\hgsubversion

Now you can, for example, grab the Autofac repository, using the usual check-out path prefixed with SVN:


Read more: Rinat Abdullin

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