Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Comparison of Architecture presentation patterns MVP(SC),MVP(PV),PM,MVVM and MVC

This article will compare four important architecture presentation patterns i.e. MVP(SC),MVP(PV),PM,MVVM and MVC. Many developers are confused around what is the difference between these patterns and when should we use what. This article will first kick start with a background and explain different types of presentation patterns. We will then move ahead discussing about the state , logic and synchronization issues. Finally we will go in detail of each pattern and conclude how they differ from each other.

Here’s my small gift for all my .NET friends , a complete 400 pages FAQ Ebook which covers various .NET technologies like Azure , WCF , WWF , Silverlight , WPF , SharePoint and lot more from here.
Special thanks

This whole article is abstract from GUI architectures. Great work by Mr. Martin flower.
Josh Smith and team , great work on MVVM.
Mr. Nikhil kothari's blog , awesome source for MVVM.
Mr. Oleg Zhukov explains how to build a  MVP Framework for .NET

Background - Presentation patterns  

One of the biggest problems associated with user interface is lot of cluttered code. This cluttered code is due to two primary reasons , first the UI has complicated logic to manipulate the user interface objects and second it also maintains state of the application. Presentation patterns revolve around how to remove the UI complication and make the UI more clean and manageable. Below are different variety and classifications of presentation patterns as shown in the below figure.

Read more: Codeproject

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