Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Packaging UI Components in MVC

Something I get asked by most customers starting out with ASP.NET MVC is how they should package, group, factor, and reuse their UI components. We're all used to thinking about User Controls, Custom Controls, and other Web Forms approaches. But rest assured, MVC provides a wealth of options.

The thoughts below describe how I see each of these options being put to best use. That doesn't mean the guidelines below are completely concrete (or indeed complete) – but they should get you thinking along the right lines initially.

If you've thoughts to add please do shout up!
Custom Rendering Extensions

Rendering extensions are Extension Methods applied to the HtmlHelper class so that they can be used in views to output clean HTML. They are best used for packaging reusable pieces of HTML found across a site. Often they're reusable across multiple web sites.

Read more: Simon Ince's Blog

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