Monday, February 08, 2010

How to deploy ASP.NET Web Application on server

Hello, in this article i have tried to explain, how a web application is deployed on to web server.

Deployment refers to the process of copying an web application from the development system to the server on which the application will be run. There are several way we can deploy our web application

We can deploy ASP.NET Application in  3 different ways

   * xCopy Deployment
   * Precompiled Deployment
   * Web Setup Project  

The choice of best deployment alternative depends upon particular need of each application. Xcopy deployment is the most easiest, and it is often used during development to create copies of an application n different servers for testing purpose. For small application xcopy deployment may be the best choice.

Precompiled deployment has several advantages over XCopy deployment. Eg. Precompiled deployment is always gives better performance for the first users of the site at the same time it is more secure as we don’t need to copy our source code files on to server. If our application deployed on one or few servers then precompiled deployment is usually best choice.

When we are going to deploy our application on number of servers then creating a setup program is a very handy tool. Although creating this setup program is much tedious and involves considerable working, the deployment from this setup program becomes very easier.

xCopy Deployment  

To manually copy the files of an web site to a server. We can use the xcopy command from a command prompt. Then we can use IIS’s (Internet Information Serve management console t o create a virtual directory that’s mapped to the directory that you copied the web site to.

Read more: Codeproject

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