Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Appropriate Uses For SQLite

SQLite is different from most other SQL database engines in that its primary design goal is to be simple:

    Simple to administer
    Simple to operate
    Simple to embed in a larger program
    Simple to maintain and customize

Many people like SQLite because it is small and fast. But those qualities are just happy accidents. Users also find that SQLite is very reliable. Reliability is a consequence of simplicity. With less complication, there is less to go wrong. So, yes, SQLite is small, fast, and reliable, but first and foremost, SQLite strives to be simple.

Simplicity in a database engine can be either a strength or a weakness, depending on what you are trying to do. In order to achieve simplicity, SQLite has had to sacrifice other characteristics that some people find useful, such as high concurrency, fine-grained access control, a rich set of built-in functions, stored procedures, esoteric SQL language features, XML and/or Java extensions, tera- or peta-byte scalability, and so forth. If you need some of these features and do not mind the added complexity that they bring, then SQLite is probably not the database for you. SQLite is not intended to be an enterprise database engine. It is not designed to compete with Oracle or PostgreSQL.

The basic rule of thumb for when it is appropriate to use SQLite is this: Use SQLite in situations where simplicity of administration, implementation, and maintenance are more important than the countless complex features that enterprise database engines provide. As it turns out, situations where simplicity is the better choice are more common than many people realize.

Another way to look at SQLite is this: SQLite is not designed to replace Oracle. It is designed to replace fopen().
Situations Where SQLite Works Well

    Application File Format

    SQLite has been used with great success as the on-disk file format for desktop applications such as financial analysis tools, CAD packages, record keeping programs, and so forth. The traditional File/Open operation does an sqlite3_open() and executes a BEGIN TRANSACTION to get exclusive access to the content. File/Save does a COMMIT followed by another BEGIN TRANSACTION. The use of transactions guarantees that updates to the application file are atomic, durable, isolated, and consistent.

Read more: SQLite
QR: whentouse.html

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