Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to invoke C++ member operations from inline-assembler code segments

Back in the late '80s, when I first started programming on Commodores famous Amiga PC, there was no alternative than using Assembler for optimizing your code to squeeze out any resources your hardware had. Although things have changed and compiler vendors have done a great job on code optimization, there are still some cases where you can do a better job than compilers do (presuming you know a lot about Assembler programming and your processor's architecture). By the way, if I talk about code optimizing I only mean optimizing the machine code for a given algorithm, not the algorithm itself. In most cases, it is more accurate to do optimizing on the algorithm. If you compare the computational complexity between the bubblesort (n2) and heapsort (n * log n) algorithms, you will see that code optimization of the bubblesort algorithm will not prevent the heapsort algorithm being faster for a definite n1 > n.

Because this article is not intended to be an introduction on code optimization, let us just assume that you have a piece of Assembler code in your C++ project (whether or not this is due to optimization purposes) and you want to invoke a member function of a given object within this Assembler code fragment. Due to the different concepts between the Assembler (procedural paradigm) and the C++ (object-oriented paradigm) programming language, I will first give you a brief overview of how C++ concepts like virtual function calls are implemented in Assembler. Afterwards, we will see how C++ member function pointers can be used to invoke member functions from Assembler code sections.

Calling non-virtual and virtual functions

Although the syntax between non-virtual and virtual function calls does not differ in C++, the Assembler code generated by the compiler differs a lot. The reason is that virtual function calls are dynamic calls. This means that the actual callee is determined during runtime. That's why this is also called late binding. Virtual functions are essential for the realization of polymorphism which is one of the key paradigms of object-oriented languages. Let's take a look at the following class hierarchy:

class ServiceA
 void sub(int a, int b) {
   printf("ServiceA: %d - %d = %d\n", a, b, a-b);
 virtual void add(int a, int b)  {
   printf("ServiceA: %d + %d = %d\n", a, b, a+b);

Read more: Codeproject