Sunday, January 31, 2010

Using Mercurial with Visual Studio

Mercurial ships as a command line tool. Here are some UI based tools to make it work that much better on Windows and in Visual Studio.

TortoiseHg – A Windows Explorer integration for Mercurial (You can download the latest versions of Mercurial and TortoiseHg from the Mercurial site)

HgScc – A source code control package for Visual Studio. This seems to be under pretty active development with versions for VS 2008 and VS 2010 Beta. It supports most of the features you’d expect from a SCC provider; project item state flagging and commit menu items etc.

TortoiseSVN’s TortoiseMerge – I sort of grew to like TortoiseMerge during my time using Subversion so I’m still using that as my diff’ing tool. You can configure both HgScc and TortoiseHg to use this for diff’ing.

Read more: #2782