![Inline image 2](http://thejewelerblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/kokes2.jpg?w=584)
Ben Kokes, a San Francisco engineer, toiled five months to design and handcraft a titanium engagement ring whose stones light up on his fiancée's finger when he's close-by.
Named "Project Longhaul," the ring's journey from design to fabrication was a super-challenging labor of love for the brainy 36-year-old romantic.
The engineer chronicled the story of the ring on his website, and started the narrative this way…
"Once upon a time, a boy met a girl. Then a short amount of time later, the boy decided to design and build a ring for the girl, because doing things in the most complicated way possible is just what he does to show the love. This is that story."
Read more: The Jeweler Blog
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