Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Using App42 Push Notification – Backend as a Service

ShepHertz App42 platform is now equipped with Push notification APIs and is supported on following platforms.

Android devices using GCM (Google Cloud Messaging)
iOS devices using APNS (Apple Push Notification Service)
Toast messages on WP7 (Windows Phone 7) using MPNS (Microsoft Push Notification Service)

App42 Push Notification API can be used to send direct push messages to devices running on above stated platforms. It can also be used to send messages in Channel Subscription Model. It provides the API to create channel, subscribe to channel and unsubscribe to channel. Once channel is created and subscribed by users, it can be used for sending the message over the channel.

App42 Push Notification API is easy to use and integrate and requires absolutely no back-end. Here are the steps to use it in target platforms:


1. Upload your Server API Keys obtained from Google to App42 platform using AppHQ console as shown in following screenshot

Read more: ShepHertz
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