Monday, December 03, 2012

Visual Studio 2012 Image Library - 5,000+ images downloadable now... (Think, flat "modern" images...)

The Visual Studio Image Library contains application images that appear in Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Windows, the Office system and other Microsoft software.

Visual Studio 2012 Image Library EULA.rtf, 182 KB

VS2012 Modern Image, 19.4 MB

The Visual Studio Image Library contains application images that appear in Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Windows, the Office system and other Microsoft software. The library of over 5,000 images can be used to create applications that look visually consistent with Microsoft software.


The image library includes five main categories of images: Common Elements, Actions, Annotations, AppIcons and Objects. Readme files are also included in the PDF format for the Common Elements and Icon types. These readme files include information about how to use these images appropriately in your applications.

QR: Inline image 1

Posted via email from Jasper-Net